Learn and master how to clean all types of tiles, cupboards and appliances in all conditions in all hands-on workshop tailored for cleaners
- In person Samantha will show you the technique you’ll need to use to be able to clean these surfaces.
- You’ll be shown you what products not to use on these surfaces and why
- You’ll physically clean surfaces to see for yourself when you’ll need to use products particular and when you won’t need to use them, saving you on unnecessary spending.
- You’ll be shown how you can avoid damaging surfaces (saving you on unnecessary insurance claims).
- You’ll be shown how to clean in the most ergonomically way for your body.
- You’ll be shown how to achieve maximum results in record time without racing.
- Grow your confidence by being a master
There are so many surfaces in 4 types of conditions – good, medium, bad and damaged
Samantha is here to make sure you know how to clean all of them and in the most efficient and affecting way while eliminating
- Overspending on products and tools you don’t need
- Overusing your body or using your body in the wrong way
- Unnecessary insurance claims.
Samantha will teach you the technique you’ll need to improve your process and what products you’ll need to impact your profitability.
Each workshop will take 60 minutes and we’ll have 15 minutes of questions
Locations – In the serene and beautiful sights of Menangle.
Once your ticket is purchased within 24 hours, you’ll receive the address and directions on what you’ll need on the day.
The dates and times of the kitchen workshops are
Kitchen Saturday 1/10/22 10-11am
Appliances Saturday 1/10/22 12-1pm
Tiles Saturday 1/10/22 2-3pm